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Shamanic Drum Journey

Drums connect us to the ground of being of who we are. They are relentless about showing us where we have healing work to do and where we are strong and gifted. When we work with the drum, we are doing heart work, and heart work is ultimately about reclamation of the Self. What has heart and meaning for me? What opens me to love? What gets in the way? Whatever shows up in my journey has important things to teach me about my heart and nature.


Please Join Us to Unleash Your Inner Guides

Donations Appreciated

This is a free resource and journey, but donations are appreciated. If you like the Drum Journey, please donate here.

The Drum Journey will be the third Sunday of December. The zoom room opens at 10:15am, to get situated, and the Shamanic drumming journey starts at 10:30am Pacific time.


Sign Up For Reminders

This program is every 2nd Sunday of each month. If you would like reminders so that you attend more drum journeys then please submit your info.

Thanks for submitting!

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Join the Journey

In each journey, we will be presented with what we spiritually need. What we “need,” however, may not include any of the pictures held by the ego of what is supposed to happen. The journey will reveal where we are ego-invested and where we are not.

Check-In: 10:15 am          Journey Begins: 10:30 am

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